The Tokyo Japan South Stake is an inclusive community of English-speaking members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints living throughout the islands of Honshu, Hokkaido, and Shikoku in Japan.
Stake Theme
Make Time for the Lord
"The Tokyo Temple rededication (July 2022) was a milestone moment marking the historical progression of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Japan. Privileged we have been to participate in a seminal event when a House of the Lord was dedicated.
Social interaction restrictions associated with the pandemic have subsided and at long last we are entering a new-norm. A new epoch beckons a distinct call for the time. We feel promptings from the Holy Ghost that saints in our stake would do well to focus on the recent prophetic declaration of President Russell M. Nelson: Make Time for the Lord."
Read the Stake Presidency’s full letter here.
Activities & Info
The activities below and more can be found on the Church Calendar at (please note: a member account & login is required to view).
All are welcome to come to the Stake Relief Society Study Group, which will be meeting on Thursdays at 11 :00 AM for 30-45 minutes starting April 13.