The United State Army Garrison in Japan posted a video about a recent interfaith meeting with leaders of local churches, including members from our stake.
Of the video, they said, “Sixteen members of a multi-faith group based in Japan were recently welcomed to Camp Zama and met with the religious support teams there to discuss the potential for future partnerships.”
The video can be found below:
Additional photos from the event are below:
Chaplain (Colonel) JP Smith, the US Army Japan (USARJ) Command Chaplain, welcomes Sister April Cook to the USARJ headquarters. Sister Cook organized a visit of the Tokyo Interfaith Council to Camp Zama, Japan, a US Army post located southwest of Tokyo. 14 members of the council were able to visit the post to learn about what military chaplains do.
US Army chaplains and members of the Tokyo Interfaith Council (TIC) pose for a photo in the Camp Zama chapel. The TIC received a tour of the chapel and learned how chaplains and military chapels support the free exercise of religion.
Chaplain JP Smith and Sister April Cook address US Army chaplains and religious support leaders and members of the TIC. They spoke about the importance of embracing our common goals and working together to take care of the members of our community.
Sergeant Major Andrew Hagemann, the US Army Pacific Religious Affairs Senior Enlisted Advisor, addresses members of the TIC about how important it is for all people to connect in communities of common interests. Chaplain (Colonel) Gary Fisher, the US Army Pacific Command Chaplain, sitting next to sergeant major Hagemann, also addressed the group.